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Bild: Jauch grills Weidel about residence | Jauch grillt Weidel wegen Wohnsitz
FAZ: USA want to hold Ukraine talks with Russia in Saudi Arabia | USA wollen Ukrainegespräche mit Russland in Saudi-Arabien führen
Funke: “Höchste Eisenbahn” for postal voting – election director advises swift action | „Höchste Eisenbahn“ für Briefwahl – Wahlleiter rät zu raschem Handeln
Handelsblatt: Emergency for Europe | Ernstfall für Europa
RND: A little youth: What was hardly discussed on TV-Quadrell | Ein bisschen Jugend: Was im TV-Quadrell kaum thematisiert wurde
SZ: Special summit on Ukraine in Paris | Sondergipfel zu Ukraine in Paris
Tagesspiegel: Two days after the attack in Munich: Islamist knife attack shocks Austria | Zwei Tage nach dem Anschlag von München: Islamistische Messerattacke schockt Österreich
taz: Overpowered | Übertrumpelt
Welt: Europe looks into the abyss of its own powerlessness | Europa blickt in den Abgrund der eigenen Machtlosigkeit

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Songs to know and love
Yes, we are talking about 99 Luftbaloons, but there is also a lot more to it. From those songs at the Oktoberfest or any Volksfest, to those you will probably drink with some beers over a broken heart or a winning game in a Soccer game.
German Aktuell
Dive into the heart of Germany’s music scene with this playlist featuring the hottest tracks of today! Beyond the global hits like Taylor Swift, this collection spotlights the best German-language songs that are shaping the sound of the moment. From chart-toppers to emerging anthems, discover the tunes that could become the soundtrack of your day.
This playlist is perfect for small kids—and big kids too! Featuring catchy tunes in German, it’s not just fun but also a great way to learn the language. Whether you’re looking to entertain the little ones or want to practice your German through music, these playful and engaging songs will keep everyone smiling and singing along.
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